Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hurry Up and Wait

Sorry guys, no pictures today. Just checking in.

So, as today is my due date, c clearly did not jump ship early. She's doing fine in there, however. Went for a non-stress test today, and once she woke up, she danced like a good little monkey for the people. We got another sneak peek of her with my Dad at the high-risk ultrasound physician's office this past Tuesday (why they keep sending me there, I don't know. I don't think I'm that high-risk). Everything checked out ok, and c is up to an estimated 7 lbs. So even though my OB can't see that she's growing and freaks out every week about it, she's put on the 1/2 lb expected every week between this ultrasound and the last one. I just think she's making efficient use of space and resources.

Although I'm occasionally having some irregular stronger contractions today, there's no sign that she's going to pop out today. Maybe we'll have a baby this weekend or early next week? I hope so, since she's only got until next Thursday to get out as my OB has been threatening to induce me if she doesn't. We definitely don't want that if we don't have to. At the same time, the rent's due and it's time for her to pay up or get out! I charge extra for every additional day she goes over. ;)


Rachel said...

I've been wondering about you! So glad to hear that C is still "baking". Can't wait to "see" her! I'm so excited for you!

thursday said...

Hmm... it appears to be next thursday. How is the little one doing? Mine didn't make his appearance until the 25th - he was due the 20th. But, I went into labor on my own - hope you did, too!

soxchik said...

Okay, how about now? Has she popped out yet?

Aubrey said...

In case anyone checks, Rick just called me. Miss Calista was born this morning (8/2/08 - Saturday). All is well, and cuter than bug's ears...

Anonymous said...

Eeep! Is she here? Where are the pictures? I'm in suspense!