Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Samhain/Halloween!

I wanted to drop a quick line and say that I hope everyone has a very safe and fun Samhain/Halloween!

Also, for those of you who have enough time to read an actual blog post and aren't trick-or-treating or passing out candy, here you go!

I have been spinning a lot lately. A....whole...lot! I have waiting at home to be photographed two completely spun bits of yarn. One is a silk/falkland mix that is pink, and another that was a painted roving that is 100% falkland. Wanna see? I knew you did. That's why I'll be adding a photo of them this evening, since the silk/falkland mix is still hanging to dry. Both of them are from my good friend Kae of Faerielady Fibers. So is the green roving.

Speaking of the green roving, I am hereby dubbing this 'Kermit's Guts'.

Also, in closing, here is a picture of a hat that I am sending away to the Soaring Eagles Project.

For those of you who do charity knitting here in Oklahoma, this is a great way to help make kids in Anderson Elementary school in Tulsa (a school with a high number of foster children) who may not have anyone to give them presents for Christmas/Yule feel loved. This is local, run by the Procrastiknitter, a teacher at that Elementary school. If you have time to knit just one hat to contribute, it will be appriciated, especially since we are trying to get together 300+ hats. Warning-this will not be the last time that you hear me talk about this. This is here, this affects children in our state. Go knit a hat instead of reading any more of this post!

Happy Samhain/Halloween!


Procrastiknitter said...

YAY! Thanks so much Cassa! I LOVE the colors!

Carol said...

You are doing greats things here!
And wow, busy too! Kermit's guts made me laugh loud at my desk, good thing they know better than to ask.