We decided mid-day that we were going to go shopping at Best Buy for Rick's presents (as he refused to give me any notice before-hand as to what he wants) after we went to go eat at Outback Steakhouse (yum). As we were pulling out of the parking lot after eating (and yes, there was embarrasment in the form of singing waiters to be had there, and it is on film, but I told him that I wouldn't blog it), there were two ambulances, a number of police cars, and a fire-truck blocking all lanes of traffic. Since we were on the side of town where we work, we thought that we would just whip a block down and go around it.
Obviously that's not what happened, since I'm telling a story about it. Instead, we ended up getting lost on road that went through a golf course. As we are going down the road, I see a tiny, tiny marina with a couple of boats. I look around and see no obvious large bodies of water. After much confusion I finally think, 'wow, the road hazards must be aweful around here', and go back to trying to help Rick get out of the golf course.
After awhile, we end up back on a main road that we thought we know, and are all, 'Ha! Freedom! Take that horribly-dressed men in argyle!' We take the road North aways, and then since we are still trying to navigate around the accident, turn right. This road runs into...
a. lake.
after seeing this, I proclaim, 'Oh! So that's why there are boats on the golf course!' Rick looks at me, blinks, and since he is not privy to my thoughts and having no idea I didn't know there was a lake here, bursts into laughter. We finally backtracked our way back through the golf-course of doom, and find that they moved the fire-truck up so that two lanes of traffic were re-opened. The whole ordeal took about 30 mins., but even though he's not the greatest navigator in the world, how can you not like a guy with this face?

Now for some knitting related items:

This is the Nordic hat that I have been working on for awhile, laid out to block. All that is left is to make the pom-pom for the top, and she'll be done! Hopefully we'll have this finished object pic here in the next week or so.
Now what's this that came in the mail today? Could it be?

Why yes it is! The Lorna's Laces wool top in the Black Purl colorway that I have been waiting a long 3 months for! I bought 30 ounces of this stuff from a wonderful lady who special ordered it for me all that long ago. I can't wait to get some of it spun up, I wonder what I'll make from it.
For Rick's birthday, he purchased a game called Katamari Domaci. I think that I'll start posting a screen-shot from the game on a somewhat daily basis for awhile. After all, stuff like this is hilarious:

I love the Japanese.
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