Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Yeah, So It's Been Awhile

I keep feeling this need to appologize for my blog absence and lack of knitting excitement. I know nobody wants to hear it, as you all know that I have been busy making something far more important than blog posts, so I won't say it. Speaking of which, here is an update, since I know everyone wants to know about that:

In the time since I have spoken to you last I have:

1) Given my OB her last chance with me, and she failed...miserably.

2) Part of her failure required me to freak out for an entire evening before an absolutely unnecessary ultrasound.

3) The ultrasound was absolutely THE BEST part of this whole thing by far. Taco-Bender was moving around and dancing about the entire time. Heart beat was 166 btw, and as of two weeks ago when this occurred, Taco-Bender was 2 inches long.

4) I was placed on several very strong anti-nausea medicines, a different prenatal vitamin, and a generic Xantac so that my insurance would pay for it. This has at least helped me feel half-way human again. Sometimes though, it still seems like nothing works (as for the last couple of days) and that I get to just suffer through it. Not fun. Along this line, I must say that I thought I would be taking LESS medication while I was pregnant, but I have never taken this many pills in my life!

5) My new OB was absolutely smashing. I visited her yesterday and she was fantastic. She sat and talked to us for 30 minutes about everything that was happening with me and with the pregnancy. She was able to find the heartbeat (150, this time, but the bugger wouldn't stop moving this time either). This was my third (yes, third) Dr.'s app't this month that I've had to take off work for, in addition to being just plain sick. My insurance company and work just absolutely love me right now (honestly, they don't have a choice-I'm technically a 'temporarily disabled person' or at least that's the wording I've heard for it).

6) My Mom came down this last weekend, which was good. It was nice to have her down here and also to help Rick out kinda too (she cooked dinner one day and gave us an excuse to go out to eat when I could handle it).

So...busy, busy, busy. I have something else in the works for you (shush, Fae!), but that may be another week in the coming. Just know that I'm quite excited about it and it gives me something to concentrate on that is not health related (because that's not any fun right now, honestly). Patience, my Dears, patience...


SteampunkDreams said...

Hey don't look at me, I have no intention of ratting you out! Dang woman, that would mean that I would have to *remember* whatever it is that you think I know...

Carol said...

What could you be up to? HmmmHope you're feeling better :)

Anonymous said...

I am sure your new OB doctor thought we were absolutely nuts! I believe her words were, "You all are sure wired!" Love Mom...
ps.. taco bender is a strange name for my new granddaughter!

Bev said...

Try Swiss Creme flavored Malox. I kept it in the fridge at home and work and sipped it from a trial size bottle all day. I never took a full dose, just little sips. Hope you feel better soon. Bev

Kary said...

Glad you're doing well, bad doctors notwithstanding. Good luck!